fresh flowers yvestown resized 600You’ve made home repairs, decluttered your home, and had it staged. Now it’s time for your first showing! So what steps should you take to make your home look it’s best? Here’s a quick checklist:

Clear off & wipe down the kitchen counters.
Wash & put away dirty dishes.
Stow away cleaning products, dish towels, etc.
Take out the trash.

Make the beds.
Pick up any items off the floor.

Clear off bathroom counters.
Wipe down bathroom sink, counter & mirror.
Put out pretty guest towels.

Living/family room
Stow away excess magazines, etc.

Do a quick vacuuming and dusting.
Make sure pet’s bedding and litter boxes are clean.
Keep stairways and walking areas clear of clutter and items people could
trip over.
Stow away cleaning products, like dish soap.
Open the blinds and turn on the lights.
Set the thermostat to a comfortable level.

Tip: If you have a gas fireplace it may be a good idea to allow your listing agent to turn it on during showings to give your home a welcoming feel on cold winter days.

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